
Eat Little

Eating little and often does well and makes you Weight Loss , you will have heard the phrase this a thousand times, and it is true, basing their power by splitting the nutrients in most of the day is the first move to do to Weight Loss . Hunger is one of the primary instincts which man for survival impulse follows the action. Nowadays, eating is an integral part of our lives, not only as a source of nutrition, but also often as a way to tackle other common discomforts, such as stress, boredom, loneliness, which inevitably lead to having a bad power supply .

Not eating makes you Weight Loss? Here is a wrong conception of slimming path... 

With the belief that does not eat to Weight Loss, with consequences not only to an obvious increase in weight, but also issues related to the internal organs like the heart, liver and bloodstream.

This is because often what you eat on these occasions are just snacks and junk foods rich in fat and substances that do not give any benefit to the human body, such as:
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Fried foods
  • Snacks like chips, popcorn, candy, cakes
  • Processed foods and too rich in fat
  • Coffee

So people get into a vicious circle in which, to make up for the fact that they feel fat, or eat, or doctors improvise starting housewives diets that more often worsen the situation rather than improve it. Actually this is not good at all, and then it would be appropriate to start eating healthy, preferring seasonal foods and unrefined foods such as:
  • Fruits and vegetables in season
  • Fibers
  • Steam-cooked food
  • Flour and whole grains
  • Simple and natural cuisine
  • Drink lots of water and natural herbal teas

Each metabolism reacts differently and it's up to us to find the right balance for a healthy diet. Eating only one meal a day or skip it thinking to Weight Loss is a common mistake that everyone makes, also because of the hectic life that puts us to the test with lunches, dinners, made mostly out of the house where the food you know is not some of the best. What is lacking above all is the basic information about the products we buy and the food you eat every day. When it comes to marketing and commerce, large industries do not make certain scruples in selling and this attitude is passed on to consumers in the form of misinformation, since often on food labels are not reflected fully the right nutritional information. To take a trivial example, when we buy a product with zero sugar, we think of buying something healthy, but we do not realize that in fact it is used an 'alternative to the same as the' aspartame, which on balance is even more damaging for our body, also the ingredients of snacks and snack foods, foods with products being processed flour, and then depleted by all the necessary nutrients, make you want to eat more and more of these products, creating a sort of dependence, this is because the ' organism fails to arrive to the natural satiety, which with food and not refined flours, such as whole-grain breads and pastas, occurs much more easily and quickly because they require much more time for both the chewing that for digestion.

But sometimes it is also the same common sense consumer fails, making even become bad foods healthier, for the way in which they are hired. This is because we are entirely and perpetually distracted by all, and the meal, which was once considered a time to enter, now has taken on a meaning purely tied to the action of "swallow" food, very influencing the metabolism and the body.
We live in a busy world and distractions with which we live perpetually simply lead us to eat quickly and badly. They eat in front of the TV, at your desk, the computer and this triggers the mechanism by which not paying attention to what you eat is introduced in the body longer than necessary, creating a caloric surplus useless and harmful.

Unless there are any special medical needs such as intolerances and allergies, we should not resort to drastic cuts on eating, perhaps taking away precious food, taking only one meal a day or fasting altogether. In this manner, in addition to causing the imbalances at the physical level, it triggers a mechanism which slows down the metabolism which will make the weight loss of more and more difficult in the future. If you want to burn excess body fat, then you have to increase it: the higher, the better the excess loss of extra pounds. The ideal would be to do about 4-6 healthy meals a day so you always have high energy level throughout the day, drink at least 2 liters of water to cleanse the body and change the way of life together for a better life. Eat little means do not meet the daily nutritional needs of which you need, and it is in this way that the body, in order to obtain the necessary nutrition, begins to attack the muscle rather than body fat, causing you begin to store fat more aggressively than normal because the body does not know when the next meal will come. In this way you will have poor muscle tone and fat excess with serious health consequences.

Also physical activity, combined with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition plays a vital role in weight loss and in terms of health gain. Small attentions that can really help such as start your day with a healthy breakfast, which helps you to quickly turn on your metabolism, limit the amount of junk food in the house, that way you do not run into temptations, do not go shopping when you have hunger and pay close attention to labels. Not only that, one healthy lifestyle also includes a proper amount of sleep. Several studies have shown that lack of this has a direct connection to hunger as overeating and weight gain, because in the long run can damage the brain areas responsible for judgment and thus lead to the food choices wrong. The ideal would be about 8.7 hours of sleep per night, not to mention also the benefits associated with exercise. Not only can you burn calories, but help improve your metabolism even when you are at rest. You need not necessarily join a gym, or take a long workout. Research shows that physical exercise daily for 10 minutes is fine as a 30-minute consecutive year; just take the stairs instead of the elevator, move more often walking for small errands, walk with your dog, take the bus and get off one stop earlier, take a vigorous walk during your coffee. These are small steps to start a healthy way of life that will bring many benefits to the body and mind.

Do not eat to Weight Loss is therefore not only an affirmation also detrimental wrong because in this way not only to run into issues like resuming the extra pounds, it also incurs problems far more serious physically.

Instead of just eating and bad we think of eating right and good 

Eat well and often together with a good physical activity are the winning weapons to live longer in good health and feel good about themselves.

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