Usually, for preparing 1 liter of beverage was added 2 tsp. Lapsing dry black tea and about 50 grams of sugar (maximum 100 g). Should pour tea so that it does not enter the mushroom itself and did not cause putrefaction.
Breed Kombucha and cook from it need to drink in a glass jar. It should be large - 2-3 liters, with a wide neck. Prepare a jar in the same manner as for marine breeding Indian rice. Pour the filtered sweet tea. Place the mushroom there. Take gauze folded in two layers. That's it, and have to close the bank, but in no case does not cover. Mushroom - living organism, and it requires air.
Pour the boiled or purified water, with dissolved sugar in it. In the raw water plenty of calcium, it may form precipitate the salts of gluconic acid. No rash the sugar on the fungus is the cause of the darkening and deterioration in its performance.
Bank reserves at room temperature, so that it is not in direct sunlight. In addition, it must be kept away from windows and cold. It slows the growth of fungus and degrades the quality of the drink.
The Bank is left at room temperature, so that it does not get direct sunlight. In addition, it must be kept away from Windows and cold. This slows the growth of the fungus and degrades the quality of the drink.
About three days Kombucha will not rise to the surface. This is quite a normal reaction. Then it will pop up, and a week later will be ready the first portion of the beverage. Because it contained carbon dioxide resulting liquid is lightly carbonated.
Shortly fungus reaches several centimeters in thickness. After every 10 days on the surface formed a new layer - a thin mucous membrane. For reproduction of the fungus such layers are separated (usually 1-2) and transplanted into a new container.
Keep an eye on the level of the liquid in the pot and podlivajte (from 0.5 to 2 l). If you suddenly forget about the tea fungus, the liquid can evaporate. It is not a good phenomenon, but he is tough, and very zoogloea she didn't die. It is necessary to add sweet tea as she once again comes to life and begins to grow in size.
Kombucha is usually sweetened solution in a ratio of 2 tablespoons. tablespoons sugar and 2 hours. 3 tea spoons per liter of water.
Should observe a few certain conditions making this a useful drink.
Get two three-liter jars. One must be a mushroom. In another you will pour the drink, keeping it in the refrigerator. Drain infusion every 5-7 days in the winter, in the summer, do it more often, after 3 days because it is getting warmer and the fungus is activated.
To maintain the optimum composition of kvass and acceptable taste properties of the fungus should be washed with warm boiled water 1 time per week. If you have not already done so, your mushroom overgrown. Drink, not fused in a couple of weeks, acquires the quality of vinegar. Drink it can't. In the summer of clean water rinse mushrooms in two weeks in the winter - about once a month.
A sign of the precarious state of the Kombucha is the darkening. Top film vanishes. This means that zoogloea dies. Thus, she perestoâla in infusion or you have not washed it properly. Warn your situation, separating new Kombucha.
You can grow and multiply Kombucha and other means. Not necessary to separate the layers. Approximately 1 l 10-day infusion put in a warm place. A week after two thin film is formed. From it and formed zoogloea Kombucha.
To taste the resulting beverage should be sweet and sour, refreshing. In any case not sharp or with severe alcoholic taste or astringent. Otherwise, you have gone too far or with sugar, or vice versa, put it less than necessary. Perhaps welding was too strong or too weak. Furthermore, the taste of the beverage depend on the length of stay in its fungus.
Since arriving substances interact with food in your stomach, do not drink the mushroom brew just before eating, during it or immediately thereafter, to no mixing with food did not occur. It is believed that after a hearty dinner, if you eat fish, meat or poultry, should take two or three hours, and after eating vegetables or fruit - 1-2 hours. But if you have overeaten, to correct the heaviness in the stomach, drink half a cup of brew Kombucha.
You can drink the tea brew in the morning and in the evening - twice a day. Levee performs a catalytic function, evening - calming, normalizes sleep.
Before you drink a normal mushroom brew, it should be filtered by pouring through cheesecloth, folded in four layers. Is the most delicious drink, stood for a week. Pour a drink in cans (or bottles), store them in a cool place. In chilled it will be tastier.
Although for medicinal purposes should be used only black tea, to meet the special needs of taste or in some cases, come up and a different kind of tea. For example, in green tea more vitamins and caffeine, this drink will be a real tonic. They can even rinse your mouth after eating, because it has a strong antibacterial effect.
Can be added to the infusion drink tea with bergamot or grass - especially mint and oregano. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. Sometimes instead of sugar put honey, as a result, you enrich the beverage with additional trace elements, and the taste will be close to the type of honey that you are using.
Since breeding Kombucha has been a lot of people, gathered a lot of evidence that this organism as a whole is very unpretentious. Therefore, you should not have particular difficulties in caring for them.
Thus, infusion of tea fungus improves digestion, cures arthritis, has antibacterial properties, helps reduce blood pressure, stimulates the immune system. In addition, being both useful and tasty, OH variety of traditional and sometimes stingy set of drinks in your diet.
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