
Medical and cosmetic effect of Kombucha

Kombucha has a prophylactic and sometimes even therapeutic effect:
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder; 
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; 
  • dystonia; 
  • tonsillitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • chronic enterocolitis;
  • Flu and SARS;
  • gastritis;
  • the wound;
  • constipation.

In addition, research conducted doctors believe that this infusion is appropriate to drink in tuberculosis. It serves as the support means and in diseases of the central nervous system.

For treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, and gallbladder disease beverage should be prepared by the above method and drink regularly. Exactly the same recipe to use and in the case of headaches, insomnia, Cardialgia.

Antibacterial effect of Kombucha manifested in treating nasopharyngeal and oral cavities. To enhance the action of the solution is warmed slightly. This should be done in an enamel pot (not aluminum or galvanized!), And even better - in a clay or glass. There are instances when the infusion of tea fungus, thus prepared, used in the treatment of angina for hourly rinse. In such cases, water is added to the infusion at a ratio of 1:10. The same solution was washed with nasal mucosa. In addition, the mushroom brew drink 2-3 cups a day.

When stomatitis mouth rinse every half hour.

For the prevention of acute respiratory infections also drink 3 cups each day.

When inflammation of the eyes or mucosa barley tea fungus infusion diluted in a ratio of 1: 20, 2-3 drops instilled several times a day.

When removing the symptoms of colds and still use gauze pads soaked in a solution of Kombucha. They change every half hour.

Very useful also alcoholate cooked on concentrated tea fungus. To do this, you need to take the long-stored (maybe within a month) the infusion and add the vodka at a ratio of 1: 4. Continue to insist the drink during 2 weeks, strain and store in a dark cool place. Drink this infusion of 1:0 spoon 3 times a day as a prophylactic remedy for symptoms of the common cold.

In addition, because Kombucha is prepared magnificent homemade vinegar. For this mushroom pour boiled water, tea leaves and sugar syrup and allowed to stand for 3 weeks. Do not forget to periodically wash only mushroom. Flask was then poured into a pan, heated about 40 minutes, filtered through cheesecloth and added citric acid. You get a tool that can be used not only for cooking but also for cosmetic purposes.

It should be said that the range of cosmetic applications Kombucha is quite wide. Spreading it in water, they can be washed greasy hair. From it you can cook wonderful care lotion porous oily skin cleansing acne and pustular lesions. For this week, pour a solution of the fungus, soak cotton wool in it and wipe your face with it along the lines of the skin. This procedure is desirable to perform twice a day - in the mornings and evenings. The skin condition you improve, but due to the antibacterial action of infusion of tea fungus and must pass all sorts of rash and redness, unless, of course, they are not allergic nature.

Infusion of tea fungus can be tonic mask for all skin types. Her doing so. First clean the face and abundantly lubricate it with cream on a natural basis. Then put on your face liberally soaked in a solution of kombucha and squeezed so that no liquid dripping, gauze. Lie down, rest for 20-30 minutes. Complete the procedure, wash with cool boiled water.

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