The Pomegranate Benefits are innumerable. Besides being healthy, the pomegranate is also delicious. The Pomegranate s are an excellent source of antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumor. In addition to vitamins such as Vitamin A , Vitamin C , Vitamin E and folic acid . In addition, the pomegranate has three times more antioxidants than wine and green tea . The pomegranate s are known particularly for healing problems related to the heart and maintain good blood circulation and other benefits include stomach upsets, cancer, dental problems, osteoarthritis, anemia and diabetes.
The Pomegranate Benefits can be enjoyed by consuming them in various ways. You can take them in the form of a juice or you can eat their seeds. The pomegranate has been traditionally used to clean the skin and reduce inflammation. The juice pomegranate may also be useful for the treatment of sore throat.
Nutritional analysis
· per pomegranate (about 280 g.)
· Energy 234 kcal
· Protein 4.71 g.
· Fat 3.30 g.
· Carbohydrates 52.73 g.
· Fiber 11.3 g.
· Calcium 28 mg
· Iron 0,85 mg
· Magnesium 34 mg
· Phosphorus 102 mg
· Potassium 666 mg
· Sodium 8 mg
· Zinc 0.99 mg
· Copper 0.446 mg
· Selenium 1.4 mcg
· Vitamin C 28.8 mg
· Niacin (B3) 0.826 mg
· Folic acid 107 mcg
· Vitamin E 1.69 mg
· Vitamin K 46.2 mcg
Health Benefits of Pomegranate:
1 Benefits of Pomegranate For Stomach: The bark of the pomegranate , and leaves are used for diseases of the stomach or diarrhea caused by any kind of digestive problems. Drinking tea made from the leaves of this fruit also helps relieve digestive problems. The Pomegranate juice is also used to treat problems such as dysentery and cholera.
2 Pomegranate Benefits For Heart: Regular intake of pomegranate juice can maintain good blood flow in the body. Because of this property, which subsequently reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The antioxidants that are present in pomegranate helps keep bad cholesterol to make any significant presence, and thus keeps the arteries clean any clots. The clots are diminished because Pomegranates have the ability to thin the blood.
3 Pomegranate Benefits For Cancer: The pomegranate is an excellent source of antioxidants called flavonoids. These flavonoids are known to be effective in neutralizing free radicals which cause cancer. People facing high risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer should start drinking the juice Pomegranate , as it will help them reduce the risk of developing cancer. Regular consumption of pomegranate can reduce PSA levels in the body and help fight existing cancer cells in the body.
4 Pomegranate Benefits For Teeth: One of the best benefits of pomegranate is that its juice, together with its anti-bacterial and anti-viral, helps reduce the effects of plaque and protects against various oral diseases. Pomegranate Benefits For Osteoarthritis: The Pomegranate helps reduce disease in many ways, including atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. The damage which is caused due to thickening and hardening of the arterial wall and cartilage and joints can be cured by ingestion. Furthermore, pomegranate s are capable of preventing the creation of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of connective tissue inside the body.
5 Pomegranate Benefits For Anemia: The Pomegranate Helps maintain a healthy blood flow.
6 Benefits of Pomegranate Diabetes: For diabetic patients, the juice pomegranate can reduce the risk of various heart disease. Along with this, there is a reduction in hardening of the arteries, which can inhibit the development of various heart diseases.
Over time, more and more people began to realize the importance of pomegranate for a healthy life.
· Pomegranate - also reduces the chance of developing Alzheimer's disease among older generations.
· The Pomegranate - helps control aging problems like wrinkles, thus providing people with young and glowing skin.
· The Pomegranate - They help women overcome the symptoms of depression during their term, especially postmenopausal depression. Studies showed that the pomegranate juice can also be very helpful in curing erectile dysfunction.
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