
Healthy snacks for kids

The appetizer or snack is much more important than we think. Eat small portions of a meal and another is very effective because it speeds up the metabolism and helps burn calories. Children are no exception, children need to eat about 3 small portions every day. So now see some healthy snacks for children.

Ideas for healthy snacks for kids

Children are more physical activity than adults, they are always playing, running, playing and therefore need to restore the energy immediately in small quantities. In this case, the appetizers are the best choice.

Sticks of vegetables

On a plate put celery sticks, carrots and cucumbers. All vegetables should be thoroughly washed and peeled. You can also add cooked steamed broccoli and cherry tomatoes. Beware of the amount of the portions, for a child of 8 years, a portion with half the vegetables will be enough. A lot of fiber and vitamins in these vegetables contributes to a healthier gut, free of parasites. It also strengthens the immune system and prevent various diseases.

Mixture of nuts and raisins

Mix small amounts of nuts, almonds, raisins, granola and seeds. Thanks to its high content of fatty acids and B vitamins, this snack is very healthy for children, nourishes the brain and improves learning capacity and motor skills of children. Retention, physical performance, good memory and creativity, increase.

Fruit Mix

A mixture of fruit is very easy to eat because it has a very good taste. The recommended is that a mixture of fruit is consumed between breakfast and lunch and not between lunch and afternoon coffee. Children are more sensitive to sugar, preventing sleep disorders and behavior.


Kids love the sandwich, with subtle flavors and fun. Make cheese sandwiches, cucumber or peanut butter (if the child is not allergic). Cut the sandwich into two pieces in triangles format.

Extra tips

Try to involve your child in preparing their lunch, take the vegetables and let it (a) wash, let me fix and cut the bread, but always with your supervision. This increases the willingness of the child to eat.

The snack should be natural, avoid using condiments and other products that have undergone chemical processes.

One way to tell is to measure the portion of the handle of the child, the portion should be similar to the size of your fist.

Snacks should be made ​​with foods that can be eaten with your hands, avoid cutlery in such cases.

The simple and neutral flavors provide greater satisfaction. As already mentioned above, prevent condiments and sauces, etc.

The child can participate in choosing your appetizer, but you must check the options.

Much of the time, children are hungry, but it has been proven that if the body asks you to feed, this causes a metabolic disorder, and this eventually causes a considerable increase in weight, it's amazing but true that if the person starves, metabolism and for this makes it fattening. So avoid that your child goes hungry, and these snacks between meals are the best option.

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