
How much fish to eat a week?

We know that fish is very beneficial to our health as it is a lean protein, which means it brings to our body all the benefits of this nutrient but not including unhealthy fats. Stresses in particular the contribution of omega 3 which feature blue fish, which help our body to receive EFAs ideal to improve our levels of HDL or good cholesterol.

It is versatile, delicious and light, but how much fish eat a week? If you want to know how much is advisable to include this ingredient in diet, the best preparations and what are its main benefits keep reading.

The nutritional contribution of fish

Fish is an excellent alternative to eating healthy proteins, because it has less saturated fat than meat, even whitefish is considered a lean food. But in addition to proteins, this food provides us with:
  • A good supply of essential omega 3 fatty acids contained especially in oily fish such as sardines, salmon, tuna or anchovies. These help prevent heart disease, bring good cholesterol to our body and reduce high blood pressure.
  • They offer to our body vitamin A, D and vitamins of group B, basic for a correct functioning of the organism.
  • They are also source of calcium, iron, potassium, iodine, sodium and magnesium, minerals necessary for the correct health of bones and muscles.

It is a food that should be added to our diet, preferring to buy it fresh instead of frozen or packaged, which will ensure the perfect state of its properties. It is also important developed healthily, for example grilled, baked or cooked, avoiding more caloric preparations as fried or breaded.

Amount of fish recommended per week

We know that it is beneficial to our health, but how much fish eat a week? The recommendation of nutritionists is to eat 700 grams of fish each week, equivalent to 3 to 4 servings.

Of that amount it is recommended that 2 of blue fish and the rest of white fish, because although the latter is leaner, the contribution of omega 3 and vitamin A and D present in blue fish alternatives is superior to white, Which is considered more nutritious in this regard.

Beware of fish rich in mercury!

Although fish is an ideal protein, must be especially careful with fish that accumulate more mercury in your body. This heavy metal ingested in large quantities can cause various cardiac complications, also affecting the immune and reproductive system. In addition, it is highly detrimental to fetuses during gestation, which is why their use should be limited especially during pregnancy.

  • The fish richest in mercury are:
  • The emperor or swordfish.
  • The Bluefin tuna.
  • The grouper.
  • The sea bass.

It is recommended to eat these options very occasionally, preferring instead for fish with low content of this metal as is the case of hake, sardines, anchovies, anchovies, salmon, cod, among others.

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