
Banana Ice Cream

The banana split, based desserts, fruit and ice cream, is one of the most popular American desserts and known in the world and there are many variations. The banana split is made ​​up of a banana cut lengthwise (hence the English word " split "which means rift) and covered with three scoops of ice cream (traditionally cream, chocolate and strawberry) which are then topped with whipped cream, strawberry topping and chocolate, candied cherries, hazelnuts, etc. It is said that the first banana split was prepared in 1904 by a student of the University of Pittsburgh who ends meet by working in the bar of his father, but many American locations claiming the invention of this widespread sweet.

A Wilmington, Ohio, every year is celebrated the "Banana Split Festival", where all participants perform in the preparation of their special version of this tasty dessert. We present the latest version of the classic and traditional banana split, but can be prepared with the flavors of ice cream that you like and garnished with toppings and sauces fruit you prefer, you can also make the banana split even tastier by adding other fruit at!

Ingredients for a banana split:

  • Banana 1 
  • Ice cream strawberry, 1 ball
  • Chocolate fudge 80 gr
  • Cream fresh 150 ml
  • Hazelnut kernels, to taste
  • Chocolate flakes, to taste
  • Cherries Candied, 3
  • Chocolate ice cream 1 ball
  • Ice cream 1 ball
  • Strawberry jam 2 tablespoons


To prepare the banana split started to prepare the two topping: for the chocolate chopped dark chocolate with a knife (1), let it melt in a double boiler and add about 30 ml cream heated in a saucepan, stirring constantly (2). Pass through a sieve 2 tablespoons strawberry jam (3) to remove the seeds and get a puree. Whip the remaining cream.

Cut a banana in half lengthwise (4) and arrange on a plate or oval "barchetta", then add a scoop of Strawberry ice cream, a vanilla ice cream and a chocolate sundae (5). Then decorated with Strawberry and chocolate topping as desired and with whipped cream (6). Garnish the banana split with chopped hazelnuts, chocolate flakes and cherries.

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